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July 22, 2011


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Jean Hall



Thank you Gunner for reminding us of who He is and what our purpose is

UGG Boots

All sentences are about a little something or another person. The a little something or anyone that the sentence is about is called the topic on the sentence. From your blog, I see that, and study a thing I'd like. Thanks for sharing.

Linda Pirkle

That little book by Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God, brings your topic back to me again and again. Whatever we do, absolutely whatever we do, we must practice God's presence in it---in our doing and in our being. When we do that, we make another of Paul's statements come true in our lives: we discover that moment by moment, action by action, we can do all things, i.e., we can do whatever it is that we do, through Christ. That way, all of life is preaching and all of life is worship.
It's easy to fall back into letting "stuff" be "stuff" and God be pushed aside. But, it's worth so much more to bring God into every part of life and live through Christ in every moment.

Philadelphia House

Thanks for inspiring and encouraging us, God bless you

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